Primary care


We promote the appropriate prescription of effective innovative treatments with an adequate safety profile that provide proven benefits to patients with highly prevalent chronic conditions in Mexico; we seek to improve the quality of life of patients.

Arterial Hypertension

Arterial hypertension is a chronic disease characterized by a sustained and inadequate increase in the pressure exerted by blood in the arteries of the body. Without adequate control, this condition increases the risk of catastrophic cardiovascular events and chronic organ damage, which results in the deterioration of quality of life and increases the risk of premature death. In Mexico, 1 in 4 adults has high blood pressure; many of them do not know it or do not receive adequate treatment. Today, there are effective and safe oral treatments to control hypertension and prevent catastrophic cardiovascular events.

Cardiovascular Risk

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the world, and Mexico is no exception. Several risk factors that are associated with an increased likelihood of suffering a cardiovascular event, such as dyslipidemia, diabetes, obesity, and hypertension, are highly prevalent in our country’s population. Currently, there are therapeutic alternatives available in the country that have a beneficial impact on reducing cardiovascular risk.


There are several blood circulation disorders that, by causing the inadequate activation of the coagulation process in veins or arteries, can cause sudden blockages of the venous or arterial circulation and result in chronic deterioration of the peripheral venous circulation, as well as acute and catastrophic complications, such as cerebral infarctions and thrombotic occlusion of pulmonary circulation, which compromise the quality of life and life expectancy of patients. There are effective treatments available that prevent the improper formation of clots and help prevent their complications.


Epilepsy is a brain disorder characterized by abnormal electrical activity, which manifests itself as sudden and recurrent episodes of abnormal behaviors, sensations, states of consciousness and/or movements. It is associated with neurological, cognitive, and psychosocial consequences that affect the development and quality of life of patients. Worldwide, about 50 million people have epilepsy, making it one of the most common neurological disorders

Today, there are treatments that can prevent or reduce the frequency of epileptic seizures and improve quality of life, available in innovative formulations that facilitate the administration of these drugs and that can be associated with a lower frequency of adverse effects.


Depression is more complex than a feeling of sadness; it is a disabling mental illness with greater prevalence than generally understood, and which has significantly increased its frequency worldwide. Loss of interest in or the inability to experience joy from rewarding daily activities may also be part of the symptomatology of this condition. For example, it is estimated that up to 95% of patients in our country with major depression have a loss of interest or pleasure.

Fortunately, there are treatments available that can help people get out of a depressive state and recover the ability to experience pleasure in their day-to-day lives, with a very satisfactory tolerability profile that promotes greater adherence to treatment.


Moderate or severe headaches may indicate the presence of migraine. It usually manifests itself during puberty and mainly affects people between the ages of 35 and 45, being a common cause of work and school absenteeism. It occurs more frequently in women due to hormonal influences; one of the most distinctive associated symptoms is nausea.

Migraine is triggered by the activation of a brain mechanism that results in the release of pain-causing inflammatory substances around intracranial nerves and blood vessels. Migraine usually persists throughout life and is characterized by recurrent episodes of pulsing and unilateral headaches, which may worsen with physical activity and last from a few hours to 2 or 3 days.

It is important for physicians to make an accurate diagnosis of migraine in order to prescribe the appropriate treatment.


Diabetes is a chronic metabolic condition characterized by elevated blood glucose levels, which occurs due to an absolute or relative deficiency in the production and/or action of insulin. Over time, diabetes can cause serious damage to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves. Mexico ranks second in Latin America in terms of diabetes prevalence.

The relationship between obesity, diabetes and hypertension largely explains the loss of years of healthy life in the population, since these conditions are causes of serious diseases and have a low diagnosis rate, as well as a lower adherence to medical treatment. Only 3.1% of the Mexican population complies with the principles of diagnosis, treatment, and control of the disease.

In Mexico, there are safe and effective oral treatments that can control blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of serious complications associated with diabetes.

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Tel. +(52) 55 2000 66 30
Address: Camino a Santa Teresa No. 1040, Mezzanine 1, Col. Jardines en la Montaña,
Alcaldía Tlalpan, C.P. 14210, Ciudad de México, México

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